NewsWaste Segregation – A Clear Understanding Of Wet And Dry Waste

30 May 2019by support

Waste is simply part of our life here on earth. Everyone generates waste in one way and another. 

When it comes to factories and large corporations, the amount of waste generated can be rather significant. 

To help us understand the topic of waste in more detail let’s look at the following areas

  • What Is Dry Waste?
  • What Is Wet Waste?
  • Why Is Waste Segregation Important?


What Is Dry Waste?

Put simply, dry waste does not decay. There is no organic matter in dry waste hence it is commonly referred to as non-biodegradable. 

Below are some examples of dry waste which are commonly found in the home or at businesses:

  • Metal
  • Wood
  • Plastic
  • Glass
  • Cardboard
  • Textiles.

Of course, dry waste encompasses many other materials as well, and the above short list outlines just a few examples of common classes of dry waste.


What Is Wet Waste?

Since dry waste is classified as non-biodegradable, it makes sense that we will often refer to wet waste as being biodegradable. 

In other words, wet waste can decay. 

When wet waste is segregated and disposed of correctly it can be turned into compost which, of course, can then be used in a practical and positive way. 

Typical businesses which generate a considerable amount of wet waste include restaurants, food factories, and various building sites.

ALSO READ: Liquid Waste Removal and Disposal


Why Is Waste Segregation Important?

waste segregation in australia

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that waste can affect our health, as well as the environment. 

This means that if waste is not segregated correctly we could end up harming not just ourselves, but other people also. 

As an example, a significant amount of food waste makes its way to landfill each and every year. 

Not only does this deprive the opportunity of using this waste as compost and benefitting our precious environment but it also has a further negative impact. 

As food waste decomposes it releases harmful gases. When left in a landfill with other items this can cause considerable issues. 

Indeed, by taking the time to segregate the waste that we generate we ensure that, where possible, it can be recycled properly. 

This is not just the case when it comes to wet waste but many classes of dry waste can also benefit from such segregation. 

For instance, dry waste such as glass and paper can be recycled and made into new usable products. 

Hence, the time and effort we use to segregate waste not only ensures that we protect our own health and the health of others around us but it also contributes in a significant way to caring for our environment.


The Bottom Line

Indeed, as humans we generate waste, this is simply a part of life that we can do little about. 

Granted, we may be able to reduce the amount of waste we produce, however, eliminating it all together it not a realistic goal. 

However, when we learn how to segregate the waste that we generate in a correct manner we can not only minimise our carbon footprint but also do something to positively impact our environment. 

Remember, it’s not so much the generation of waste that is the issue as much as it is what we do with it. 

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